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42 Front Street
Port Jervis, New York


Foundry is a community center, popular café, event venue, and retail boutique that welcomes locals and visitors alike!

Sunset Yoga Class with Michelle Duff


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Sunset Yoga Class with Michelle Duff

  • Foundry42 42 Front Street Port Jervis, New York (map)

Come out to Foundry on March 20, from 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM, for a special sunset yoga class with Port Jervis local Michelle Duff!

Michelle is a respiratory therapist, singer, fitness enthusiast and Muay Thai instructor, who completed her 200 hour yoga teacher training through Shakti yoga in Woodstock, NY. Michelle will guide you through a creative Vinyasa flow, with thoughful modifications and ability to meet each student where you're at! She will guide you in the proper breathing and movements through this beginner-friendly class for ALL ages!

The benefits of this practice are endless, aiding cardiovascular fitness, reducing arterial stiffness, reducing stress, and improving mobility. This event will be held in the Foundry Loft in a beautiful, ambient setting right as the sun goes down .

Ticket sales are non-refundable. They may be transferred to a friend if something comes up! The event space is accessible only via stairs. We're sorry for any inconvenience.