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42 Front Street
Port Jervis, New York


Foundry is a community center, popular café, event venue, and retail boutique that welcomes locals and visitors alike!

Wine & Cheese Pairing with Port Provisions!


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Wine & Cheese Pairing with Port Provisions!

  • Foundry42 42 Front Street Port Jervis, New York (map)

Great news Cheese Nerds!! A Wine & Cheese Pairing with the one and only Naomi Stubbs (owner and cheese purveyor extraordinaire of Port Provisions) is coming on March 8! Set in the cozy Foundry Loft we'll be learning about the principles of pairing excellent wines + exquisite cheese 🧀 - don't miss it!

Tickets are available at the Port Provisions website at the link below!

Earlier Event: February 21
Open Mic Night
Later Event: March 20
Sunset Yoga Class with Michelle Duff