Swag Bags — Foundry42+

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42 Front Street
Port Jervis, New York


Foundry is a community center, popular café, event venue, and retail boutique that welcomes locals and visitors alike!

Swag Bags


swag bags!

We do swag! Whether you need gifts for your wedding guests or real estate clients, holiday gifts for employees or coworkers, party favors of any sort… we can hook you up! We’ve done all of the above and would love to help you put together an unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime gift.



“Both our [families] are so grateful for your creativity in providing the BEST and most unique, lovely, abundant bags of goodies for the wedding party and guests. Everyone raved about them and enjoyed using and eating the various treats throughout the weekend. And many of us were seen using our fun burlap totes non stop!”

- Mother of the Groom

“You guys were wonderful! The items were all well received and the chip chip cookies were the talk of the weekend! I was very happy to get my hands on a pack, yum! The wedding was lovely and the guests had nothing but great things to say. We appreciate all of your assistance and hope we get to work together again!”

- Leslieann Santiago, wedding planner

It’s so refreshing to find a seamless event partner. From concept to execution of this very high-profile wedding, Foundry42 did not disappoint. They are reliable problem solvers with a depth of creativity.

- Tony Conway, Legendary Events


interested? let us know!

We’ll get back to you within 48 hours to get started!