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42 Front Street
Port Jervis, New York


Foundry is a community center, popular café, event venue, and retail boutique that welcomes locals and visitors alike!

A 6-Course Fine Dining Experience with Chef Peter


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A 6-Course Fine Dining Experience with Chef Peter

  • Foundry42 42 Front Street Port Jervis, New York (map)

Foodies rejoice! Local chef, Peter Daniel, is bringing his culinary talents BACK to Foundry42! Hosted in the ambient beauty of our 2nd floor Loft, Peter draws on decades of experience, including over 30 years as owner/head chef of The Fork at Twin Lakes Restaurant in Shohola, PA.

Nestled in the cozy early-spring glow of Foundry's award-winning Home Lab, a basic ticket purchase will include 1 amuse-bouche dish, 6 courses, and a Thai Red Curry Peanut Butter Cookie to take home, all created by Chef Peter (check out the menu!). PLUS, upgrade your ticket to include wine (+ cider) pairings with each dish, all selected from the F42 collection!

Doors open at 5:30 PM on March 22, with the first dish served at 6:00! 🍷Claim your tickets quick: it will be a night to remember!

Earlier Event: March 20
Sunset Yoga Class with Michelle Duff
Later Event: March 28
Open Mic Night