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42 Front Street
Port Jervis, New York


Foundry is a community center, popular café, event venue, and retail boutique that welcomes locals and visitors alike!

About Images

Foundry42 was established in 2016 by Cooper Boone.  After having twin daughters in 2014 Cooper, and his partner Mark Veeder, began to live in the Catskills full time to raise their children.  He established Foundry42 in Port Jervis, NY because he felt there was a “huge untapped opportunity on Front Street, "the architecture, the location and price were all calling me to take the leap.”

Foundry42 is representation of Cooper’s mind map:  a creative workshop, food, gathering, entertainment and education.

Experience the workshop and home furnishings retail space with many items being produced by the Foundry42 team. It boasts a coffee bar as well as a limited assortment of feel good baked goodies. 

An upstairs exhibition space with entertainment, specialty events, classes and private rentals will come in early 2017.

Do you want to rent the space to hold a workshop?  Lecture? Screening? Fundraiser? Yoga class?  Photo shoot? We look forward to being your host!